Part Two of The Oral Motor Tool Guide: Recommendations for Toddlers

Part Two of The Oral Motor Tool Guide: Recommendations for Toddlers. This post is for informational and general purposes only and is not meant to replace individualized advice or Occupational therapy services. 

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As a mama and pediatric occupational therapist specializing in feeding and oral motor support, specifically tethered oral tissues, I often get asked about the best tools and toys for promoting oral motor development in kiddos. The oral motor tool guide aims to provide parents and caregivers with practical recommendations and insights into the significance of oral motor exploration and proper oral rest posture.

Importance of Oral Rest Posture

Oral rest posture refers to the tongue, lips, and jaw position when the mouth is at rest. A proper oral rest posture is essential for breathing, facial development, and sleep.

Tools and Toys for Toddlers’ Oral Motor Development

When it comes to toddler feeding practices and tools, it’s important to consider age-appropriate utensils and feeding sets that can help toddlers transition to self-feeding. Additionally, safe feeding practices and introducing various foods can benefit toddlers oral skill development, mitigating texture preferences and nutrition. It’s also important to highlight the significance of supervision during mealtimes and creating a positive eating environment.

Toys, Tools, and Utensils

Toddler Feeding Developmental Milestones

12-18 Months:

  • Chews with a more rotary jaw movement.
  • Can drink from a cup with some spilling.
  • Begins to form simple words and phrases.

18-24 Months:

  • Eats a variety of textures and tastes.
  • Uses a spoon and fork with increasing skill.

Common Concerns and Signs of Potential Issues

Difficulty Chewing:

  • Persistent trouble moving food around in the mouth or chewing.
  • Prefers only certain textures or avoids solid foods.

Excessive Drooling:

  • Constant drooling beyond the typical age range.
  • May indicate weak oral muscles or coordination issues.

Open Mouth Posture:

  • Noticeable when the mouth is consistently open at rest.

Remember, each kiddo is unique, and choosing tools and toys that match their needs and preferences is essential. If you have concerns about your child’s oral motor development, consider consulting an occupational therapist for personalized guidance and support.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them down below.

Click here for The Oral Motor Tool Guide: Recommendations for Toys, Utensils, and More (0 to 12 month recommendations)